Our R&D

As the development engine of Stella, we always seek to be at the forefront of generics product development.

We choose to differentiate ourselves from other competitors through this operation.

As the development engine of Stellapharm J.V. Co., Ltd., we always seek to be at the forefront of generics product development. We choose to differentiate ourselves from other competitors through this operation.

Since 2005, STELLA’s Research and Development Unit has invested substantially in equipment, manpower and expertise to keep it on the same page with the development of the industry.

Our cooperation with international pharma companies and CROs in extensive projects allow us develop new products of high quality and complying with latest regulatory requirements in Vietnam as well as overseas.

We Research

We Develop

What we do

Our system complies with ISO/IEC 17025:2015, ICH Guideline Q8, and other international standards.

During the last 10 years, we have successfully researched, developed, and transferred more than 200 products to our 02 production sites.  Our ultimate objective for any product development is the bio-equivalence compliance.

To this purpose, STELLA’s R&D is proud about its distinctive achievements at the local level:

  • The first company starting local BE tests in Vietnam since 2006
  • The first company starting BE tests in overseas internationally accredited CRO
  • The first company cooperating in proper technology transfer with international companies and CRO.

To date, we have fulfilled more than 60 BE tests successfully locally and there will be more to come in the future.

  • 60+Products with BE certified
  • 6+Products under BE study